
EBook Writing 101: How to Write and Publish an EBook on Amazon

how to write an EBook for Amazon

So, you’ve got a brilliant story, a killer guide, or a bunch of ideas you’re excited to share with the world. Well, if that’s the case, then an eBook is what you need—wondering how to make one? Well, you’re in luck; we’re here to guide you.

Welcome to eBook 101, where we’ll share insight on how to write an eBook on Amazon and how to publish it. In this self-publishing guide, we’ll discuss brainstorming awesome ideas to help you write your masterpiece. After that, we’ll show you the ropes of publishing your first book on the Amazon platform.

So whether you’re a seasoned pro or someone new to writing, follow us as we embark on an eBook writing journey.

Why an e-book?

Now, before we begin talking about writing eBooks, let’s talk a bit more about eBooks in general and why they matter. An eBook, short for “electronic book,” is a digital form of a printed book that can be assessed through different electronic devices, from computers to mobile phones.

EBooks have taken the world by storm, and their popularity is rising significantly each year. A recent statistic showed that around 191 million eBooks were sold in the 2020 US market.  One reason for their rapid popularity growth is their accessibility. As they are mobile-friendly, they can be used on the go. However, it doesn’t mean print books have lost their edge, as their sales still surpass 700 million yearly.

People prefer to go for eBooks due to their portability and lightweightness. A person could carry the whole library in the palm of their hand. Here are some benefits you can get for writing an eBook.

Earn Passively:

An eBook is an excellent side hustle opportunity. Selling eBooks can be an additional income source.

Demonstrate Expertise:

An eBook can also prove to be a great authority and credibility builder. You could increase your audience’s trust through an eBook, especially for your business.

Increase your Reach:

The majority of the US has access to the internet. Publishing your book on the virtual platform can also be an opportunity to reach out and grow your audience.

How to Write an eBook on Amazon? -Ideas to Go for:

Now, with that out of the way, let’s explore how to write an EBook for Amazon. So, what should you write about in your eBook? Learning who you’re writing for is the best way to know what to write. By understanding your ideal audience, you can understand what type of eBook would work well. Here are a few ideas to consider:

1.      New Research:

You’ve uncovered something new? Or came to a completely different conclusion through an experiment. So, how should you record it? Discussing it through an eBook could prove to be an effective way. Not only can you discuss your findings in detail, but it also helps you present yourself as thought leaders in the industry.  

2.      Interviews:

You have scooped some inside stories from a well-known individual in the market. You might have sat down with them and picked their brains out. eBooks could be a fun way to present it to your audience.

3.      Blog Post Series:

Not sure what your eBook should be about if you’re a business. Maybe you’ve got everything you need already written. We’re talking about your series of blog posts. If you’ve written on a specific niche, you could stitch them up together to create a technical eBook on the topic.

How to Publish an EBook on Amazon?

How to Publish an EBook on Amazon?

Are you done with writing an eBook? Great! Then comes the next part: Publishing. Now, publishing can be challenging if you’re new, and getting in touch with a publisher isn’t a cakewalk. You should consider an expert eBook publishing service to assist you with publishing.  

Another thing crucial in publishing is choosing your publishing platform. Publishing platforms have grown with the rise of eBooks. Today, you can find several online platforms to publish, promote, and sell your eBooks. But the question is, which one is the best? For your sake, we’ll talk about the most popular one that is Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

More on Kindle Direct Publishing

KDP is a popular self-publishing platform that lets writers to self-publish their eBooks for free. The platform offers many features, from setting prices to eBook promotions. The publishing process is simple and smooth, allowing you to get your eBook on the market within three days.

6 Steps to Publish Your Ebook on Amazon:

Here’s how to self-publish your eBook using Amazon’s KDP.

1.      Format your EBook:

Your book’s format is crucial before submitting it for publishing. It refers to how others view your book on a website, tablet, or mobile phone. You want to make sure your book is formatted correctly so you can use book formatting tools. Otherwise, hire a professional.

Take the time to scan your eBook file and ensure your file has a proper structure, from paragraph spacing to font size. In addition, ensure you have the correct file format for eBook. Although KDP accepts all file formats, DOC/DOCX, KPF EPUB, and MOBI are generally accepted. 

2.      Form your KDP Account:

If it’s your first time publishing an eBook on the platform, forming a KDP account is the next thing you want to do. Creating an account is like riding a bike. Just go to Kindle Direct Publishing and click on Join. Enter your email address, input a password, and sign in.

Next, take the time to fill out your profile. You will have to offer some personal information to the site, including:

  • Date of birth
  • Business Type
  • Country
  • Contact Number
  • Address
  • Banking Information (for payment)
  • Tax Information

3.      Complete your EBook Details:

After getting your profile ready, you must work on Kindle eBook Details. It helps determine how your eBook will appear on Amazon’s search results. Here are a few things you need to consider:

  • EBook’s language
  • Title and subtitle
  • Series and Edition Number
  • Author or pen name
  • Brief Description
  • Publishing Rights (self-published or public)
  • Keywords (for search optimization)
  • Categories
  • Age and Grade Range (for children and young adult eBook)

4.      Complete Kindle EBook Content Section:

After completing your eBook details, the next step is completing the Kindle eBook Content section. Here’s how to do this step:

  • Upload your manuscript.
  • Upload the book cover.
  • Preview the content as it would appear on different devices.
  • Enter the eBook’s International Standard Book Number (If it has one, otherwise skip it)

5.      Set Pricing:

Finally, you’ll have to set the pricing of your eBook. You could either choose a royalty plan or set the pricing yourself. Although the KDP is free to use, it has certain rules regarding pricing. It offers two plans: a 35% and a 70% royalty plan.

6.      Get it Published:

Once you’re done with everything, your eBook will be sent for publishing. Usually, an eBook takes around three days to appear on the virtual store.  

Final Words:

In conclusion, an eBook can be a great way to improve your audience reach, demonstrate yourself as a thought leader, and earn passively, but learning how to write an eBook for Amazon is crucial. Using the steps provided, you can set up and publish your eBook in no time. Be sure to take great care while formatting and price it correctly before submission.


Does Writing an eBook Make Money?

Yes, eBook writing is a great side hustle opportunity. Through it, you can have an asset that helps you earn some revenue on the side.

What Type of e-book sells the Most?

Although you can create an eBook on just about anything, people often prefer reading self-help, business, fiction, and short story books.

How Many Pages Are in Most EBooks?

There’s no certain limit to the pages you can include in an eBook. It can be short, taking around 20 pages or covering 1000 pages. However, we prefer to keep it around 150-300 for better readability.

How Can I Publish my EBook for Free?

There are several platforms where you can publish your book. Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing is popular, letting authors self-publish for free.

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